A new kind of film lab

We provide high-quality film developing and scanning services for all formats. With both walk-in and 24/7 drop-off we offer the most modern film developing and scanning experience possible.

We've moved!

After 1,5 years we've moved to a new location. Our new space offers more room to grow—both for our lab and our community. From now on, you can find us at:

Oostzeedijk Beneden 203D, 3061VS Rotterdam

Looking for a camera?

Fotohandel Delfshaven is a unique camera store. They specialize in high quality film camera's. Which they rent, check and repair. With over 15 years of experience they're the go to place for us

Film never died it evolved

We started our film lab with the community in mind. We develop, we print, we do workshops and sell film. All here in our store. We even got a fully equipped black-and-white darkroom

Visit us

We like to provide more than just a service that ends with you getting your scans back. We created a inviting space that inspires and feels welcome to everyone!

Oostzeedijk Beneden 203D
3061VS Rotterdam


11.00 - 17.30
11.00 - 17.30
11.00 - 17.30
11.00 - 17.30
11.00 - 17.30

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